Useful Tools

Seek Thermal Compact Pro Review:

Find Problems that you can’t see with your eyes.

Seek Thermal.JPG

Seeing Heat

Here is my Seek Thermal Compact Pro. I bought it back in 2017 and it has proven to be worth it for me. Below are a few ways I use it.


AC condensation line under sink

My AC condensation line connects to the drain under the sink in the master bathroom. Every once and a while the drain in that spot clogs up and I use the thermal camera to get an idea of when I need to clean it out. while the AC is running, I turn the sink on full blast hot. Then I can see the contrast between the cold drip from the AC condensation water and the sink drain.


Looking for areas of missing insulation

I used this up at my church to see if we put the insulation back in the attic over an area where we added some new speakers. We did not in this case…

Below is a clip of footage from my thermal camera showing the a leak in my home AC compressor. This was an unusual spot for a leak but the thermal camera found it really quick.

I used the Seek Thermal Camera to find the leak in my AC unit. Shortly after noticing that it was not getting cold inside, I popped on my seek thermal camera thinking that I was going to see if the compressor was overheated or if it stopped and found a leak in the side of my compressor.

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